Hey! Check out our community group discussion questions this week. 
Matthew 13:44
Jesus uses parables to teach us about the kingdom of heaven, simple, short, memorable stories to illustrate deeper points about the kingdom of God. Jesus’ intention was to reveal the kingdom of heaven so people would turn and find healing and salvation in him.

44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Matthew 13:44

Just as the man found and gained treasure, the kingdom of heaven is an incredible treasure to be found. The kingdom of heaven will cost you all you have. The kingdom of heaven will bring you more joy than you’ve ever had before. The kingdom of heaven is all about Jesus, who in his joy gave all of himself to gain a kingdom of people for God.

 Discussion Questions
  • Have you ever found a hidden treasure?  What what your response?
  • What did the man do once he found the treasure?  What was his level of commitment?
  • How can we express our commitment to the kingdom?
  • Why should we give financially to the kingdom through the local church?
  • How can we help you to honor God in this area?

D&A (Discipleship & Accountability)
Break up into smaller groups for prayer.

  • How is your time with God?
  • What are you praying for?
  • What are you struggling with?
  • Who are you praying for to know Jesus?
  • What gospel conversations have you had this week with someone who doesn’t follow Jesus?