Sufficiency in the Gospel

Jan 7, 2023    Jeff Potts

January 7 - Sufficiency in the Gospel

“And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” - Acts 20:32

The Gospel is the good news of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of what Jesus did, there is forgiveness of sins, redemption of relationship, and the promise of eternal life.

When I realize all the things done for me in the Gospel, and all the implications on how I am to live my life, I have everything I need in the good news of Jesus.

“The gospel serves as the means by which God daily constructs me into what He wants me to be and also serves as the channel through which he gives me my inheritance every day of my Christian life.” - Milton Vincent / A Gospel Primer

It’s easy to think about getting past the Gospel. To move onto other things. But you have everything you need in the good news of Jesus. Know the implications. Know how it affects your life. Rehearse it and remind yourself of its truth. Share it with the people God puts around you.