Gospel Love

Jan 16, 2023    Jeff Potts

January 16 - Gospel Love

“We love because he first loved us.” - 1 John 4:19

God loves us with an unbending, perfect love. His love is untainted, completely independent of our actions toward him. Jesus’ love was proven through action. What do we do in response? We love God and love others. That’s the greatest command for our lives, and that is only possible with a strong grasp and understanding of the gospel.

“Genuine love in my heart for God is generated by an awareness of His love for me, and nowhere is the love of God more clearly revealed than in the gospel.” - Milton Vincent / A Gospel Primer

God knows all of your sins and failures. Perfectly. Even with that knowledge, he sent Jesus to live a perfect life, only to die for our sins. You can grow in your relationship with God. In your love for God. It’s all right in the Gospel.

Know it. Rehearse it. Share it. And see your love for God grow more and more.