The Gospel & Sin

Jan 19, 2023    Jeff Potts

January 19 - The Gospel & Sin

“The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” - 1 Timothy 1:15

The gospel is the good news of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. God, being generous and gracious, sent Jesus to come and save sinners, which includes you and me and all of our friends. Sin is a reality for every person, both in the things that we do, but it even goes deeper than that. It gets to our very nature. We are sinful and we are sinners in identity. At least we were, until Jesus came. That’s the good news.

“The deeper I go into the gospel, the more I comprehend and confess aloud the depth of my sinfulness… such an awareness of my sinfulness does not drag me down, but actually serves to lift me up by magnifying my appreciation of God’s forgiving grace in my life.” - Milton Vincent / A Gospel Primer

It isn’t good news to try and convince the world that we are good enough. That we are basically good people. The good news of the gospel is that God saves sinners through the work and person of Jesus Christ. So, I say with a smile on my face that I am a sinner… saved by the grace of God and the work of Jesus for me.

Know the Gospel. Rehearse it. Share it. It’s good news!